Recipe: Perfect Sate kambing happy call
Sate kambing happy call . Hallo sahabat Dapur Dila,, Kali ini Dapur Dila membagikan Video Resep Cara Membuat Sate Ayam Dengan Happy call atau teflon. Sate Kambing khas Maroko nikmat untuk menjadi santapan saat Iedul Adha. Dibalur bumbu khas dengan kapulaga dan asam dari Yoghurt memberikan kenikmatan. Sate kambing is the Indonesian name for "mutton satay". It is part of the cuisine of Indonesia. This food is made by grilling goat meat that has been mixed with seasoning. You can have Sate kambing happy call using 20 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Sate kambing happy call Prepare 500 gram of daging kambing. You need of Bumbu agar daging empuk. Prepare of Garam. You need of Madu. It's of Jeruk nipis. Prepare of Bumbu putih. You need 4 of bawang putih. Prepare 2 of bawang merah. You need of Ketumbar. You need of Lada. Prepare of Kemiri. ...