Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Sate Sapi Barbeque

Sate Sapi Barbeque.

Sate Sapi Barbeque You can cook Sate Sapi Barbeque using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sate Sapi Barbeque

  1. It's 500 gr of daging sapi.
  2. You need 1 buah of bawang bombay.
  3. Prepare 2 buah of tomat.
  4. You need of Bumbu Barbeque.
  5. Prepare 5 sdm of saos barbeque (Del monte).
  6. It's 3 sdm of saos sambal.
  7. It's 2 sdm of saos tiram.
  8. You need 6 sdm of kecap manis.
  9. It's 2 sdt of merica bubuk.
  10. It's 5 buah of bawang putih (cincang).
  11. It's Secukupnya of penyedap rasa.

Sate Sapi Barbeque instructions

  1. Cuci daging terlebih dahulu. Lalu rebus hingga empuk. Potong dadu.
  2. Campurkan semua bumbu. Aduk rata.
  3. Tusukkan sate sesuai kereasi. Bawang bombay, daging dan tomat, lakukan sampai habis. Tuang dan oleskan bumbu secara merata kesemua sate dan diamkan selama 30 menit.
  4. Bakar sate hingga matang. Sajikan.


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